Queen Elizabeth I c 1588
Elizabetha n. Late 16th century. By Nicholas Hilliard
Portrait of a Noblewoman British Painter, late 16th century Oil on wood Metropolit an Museum of Art, NY 44 1/2 x 34 3/4 in. (113 x 88.3 cm)
17th century Italian handkerchi ef with cutwork and needle lace, Reticella or point coupé. From the Victoria and Albert Museum in London.
c1587. English noblewoman wearing a lace ruff.
Elizabeth, Queen of Bohemia. By an unknown artist, 1613. In the National
Portrait Gallery of London. She is wearing
Reticella, or Point Coupé, lace.
William Shakespear e?
William Shakespear e?: miniature by Nicholas Hilliard. Photograph : Bridgeman Art Library
The painting now believed to be of William Shakespear e has hung on the walls of the Cobbe family for about 300 years.
A 'falling collar' from the Netherland s with Italian needle lace, Reticella or point coupé. It
dates to the mid-sevent eenth century. From the Rijksmuseu m in Amsterdam.
1589. English noble girl. Age 14.
Nicholas Hilliard, Portrait of a Young Man, Probably Robert Devereux (1566-1601 ), Second Earl of Essex, dated 1588. Metropolit an Museum of Art , NY
Michiel Jansz Mierevelt, Retrato de dama. Hacia 1610-1620. Colección BBVA
Queen Elizabeth I, Marcus Gheeraerts the Younger (c 1561-1635)
Fuente: Tesoros del Rijksmuseu m de Amsterdam, Emile Meijer, Aguilar, 1985
Nicholas Hilliard, Portrait of a Woman, 1597. Metropolit an Museum of Art
Painting by the Dutch portraitis t Thomas de Keyser, 1596-1667
Portrait of an Unknown Lady c. 1595 (Detail) By Marcus Gheeraerts II Tate Gallery, London
Nicolaes Hasselaer, 17th century,
wearing a needle lace collar. From the Rijksmuseu m in Amsterdam.
c1590 Enghish noblewoman . Lace detail
Anne Boleyn. No contempora ry portrait. c XVII ? fashion.
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